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Psycho – social Counselling
In Karnataka second wave Corona has created havoc among the people. People who are under house observation are psychologically stressed and their family members are also mentally upset. Apart from that the vulnerable marginalized people are feeling panic and anxiety about the second wave impact in their life. In this juncture in order to ventilate their pent-up emotions, telephonic counselling support is very essential. So that the people are relaxed and they follow the right instructions. Moreover, they can also clarify their queries. ASWS has started 24 hours tele – counseling for the Self-Help Group members, Children as well as general public

COVID Information Service Centre
ASWS in association with Caritas India launched ISC programme to mitigate COVID -19. Dissemination of proper information about the prevention of COVID-19 was one of the primary activities envisaged. Rev.Fr. Abraham Areeparambil pastoral coordinator of the Bhadravathi diocese inaugurated the programme at MSSS office Shimoga. Through this ISC we were given awareness on COVID and providing information on vaccination centers, registration and hospitalization, visiting patients in coordination with hospital for counselling and checking wellbeing of patients. As part of the programme, ASWS distributed masks, IEC materials and hand wash kits to the community people. The audio awareness program could outreach remote rural villages where people have no access to media. Hence it was a good means of awareness to the community people to understand the pandemic COVID 19 and how everyone has to ensure their own safety in this situation of rapid community spread. Through mobile vans and announcements in rural areas, ASWS has also reached 1 lakh people with awareness messages on preventive measures

World Cancer Day
In connection with SPARSHA- a program to instill hope among cancer patients; the International Cancer Day was celebrated at Anavatty on 4th February 2021. Cancer detection camp was organized along with a general health checkup and a multi-media presentation on the danger of this sickness as well as preventive care in lifestyle, junk food and danger of pesticide applied vegetable/ fruits etc. were discussed. All the members took an oath to develop Kitchen Garden in their homes.
Women’s day Celebration
Anugraha Social Welfare Society, organized a celebration of International Women’s Day amidst Covid protocols. The program was organized at Hohehonnur with a few party games and other activities. The main program which took place in the afternoon was a seminar on women empowerment led by Mrs. Rekha. A plan of action that illustrates the guidelines for all activities that ASWS would undertake to ensure the empowerment of women in the society was discussed

World Environment Day
June 5th every year, the nature empaths around the globe celebrate World Environment Day, encourage awareness and observe its protection. In this regard let us rethink how we consume, revive what we destroyed and reconnect with what sustains us. Our home. We ASWS also gave ear to a call for the protection and revival of ecosystem all around for the benefit of people and nature. Staff members of the ASWS took initiative in planting trees around the office campus, conducted awareness programs in the schools on clean and green nature and also conducted drawing completions on the theme of ‘Saving Earth’, organized awareness in public places on air pollution etc.

NAVOMI – Get-together of Navomi women members
Navomi group has been fostered by ASWS in its operational villages to empower women who have to deal single-handedly in raising the family. Therefore, Navomi group members form a special group of ASWS welfare activities. An annual get-together of Navomi group members was organized in collaboration with Women Commission of the diocese of Bhadravathi at St. Joseph’s Church – Shettikoppa. The event was organized with an aim to mitigate the stigma and enable the holistic development of widows. Sr. Usha CMC (Director of women Commission) inaugurated the programme. Various party games were conducted for the members. A special Class organized by Fr. Tomy to motivate and encourage the members. All were happy to attend this program and expressed their desire to hold it in future too.